Monday, September 30, 2019

Women in the Workplace

From running for president, making up over half of the workforce, managing some of the world’s most successful companies, and earning almost 60% of university degrees in America and Europe, women’s presence in the workforce is more prominent today than ever. This â€Å"economic empowerment of women† is changing the workplace, as we know it. Only 20 years ago, women were viewed as only capable of unskilled jobs and were assumed to place marriage and children before having a career. In today’s society, women have more opportunities to have power over their lives and chose their career path. In today’s global economy, every country should be utilizing the talents of their women in their workforce. For many countries, this progress has not been the same as America. For example, in Italy and Japan men employment rates are more than 20 percentage points higher and women’s employment rate is still below 50%. On average, women still earn significantly less than men and are a minority in top management. Remarkable Social Change without Conflict The Economist found three surprising results from the increase of women in the workforce: the lack of privilege felt from women about their new opportunities, unmet expectations of women’s role in the workforce and the lack of resistance from society, especially men. The lack of celebration from women is believed to be because of the economic necessity of women to work. Today, most households are two-income and women have little choice as to whether they want to work or not. Their contribution is the only way for many households to maintain their standard of living after having children. Also, many young women take this opportunity to work for granted, because they have grown up in a welcoming environment where women were always part of the workforce. Although women are encouraged to enter the work force, only 2% are managers and less than 13% are board members. Men dominate top management. America and Britain’s average full-time, female workers earn only about 80% as much as their male counterpart. Finally, most Americans are comfortable with women in the workforce with 9 out of 10 men are even comfortable with women earning more than they do. The minimal resistance to this social trend, especially by men, has allowed it to adapt rapidly and with little conflict. Contributing Factors to this Social Change A major explanation for increased women in the workforce is the large amount of women who are university graduates and professional workers. Growth of higher education has increased women’s value in the job market and has caused a shift in the woman role model as professional women, not just homemakers. According to The Economist, in 1963, 62% of college-educated women were in the workforce whereas 46% of those who had a high school diploma. Today, 80% of American women with a college education are in the workforce in contrast to 67% with a high school diploma and 47% without one. Women are also educated in more â€Å"marketable subjects† such as business and management. In 1966, 40% of women obtained a degree in education and 2% in business and management. Where as today, 12% obtain degrees in education and 50% obtain degrees in business and management. Engineering and computer science are one of the few areas women are lagging in. Politics have had a major effect on this revolution. Feminists have made domestic slavery unacceptable. Feminists have also strongly criticize discrimination toward women in the work place. We’ve even seen equal-rights acts passed in order to assure an equal playing ground in the work force for men and women of all ethnicities. Economic and technological forces have also played a role in the empowerment of women in the workforce. There has been a growing demand for women in the workforce. When strength was required to work, men had the advantage. The growth in the service sector and decline in the manufacturing sector has made brainpower more of a demand in the work force. This puts men and women on a more equal playing ground. Lastly, women have been more than willing and able to meet the demands of being in the workforce. Many factors play a role in this. For example, traditional cleaning is done easier and quicker than before. The contraceptive pill has allowed women to get married late, increased their ability to invest in their careers, and allowed them to finish schooling instead of taking breaks due to childbirth. Major Challenges Faced with a Woman Workforce Two major challenges have occurred with the increase of women in the workforce. First, women continue to be under-represented in top management, with only 2% in America and 5% in Britain, and are paid considerably less than men. Secondly, it is very demanding for women to manage both their career and their family. In America, 74% of parents believe they don’t spend enough time with their children because they are constantly juggling their work and home life. In two-parent working households, childcare consumes a large proportion of the budget, but having one parent stay at home could result in much lower income for family expenses. Therefore, having only one income is not an option. Poor households are affected the most because of the large amount of poor mothers in the workforce and the unwillingness to spend public funds on childcare for these mothers. Career Woman vs. Motherhood As women become more and more prevalent in the workforce, they find themselves choosing between being successful in their careers and being a stay-at-home mother. Many women are in challenging careers in their 20s, leave in their 30s to have children and find it hard to return after their leave of absence. Of all the women who left work to have children, 93% of women wanted to return to work, but only 74% returned to work, only 40% returning full-time. Also, many women find the role of motherhood damaging to their professional career. Those women in corporate America who don’t have children earn as much as men, where as mothers earn less and single mothers even less. The Economist explains that the â€Å"cost of motherhood† is great for women in professional careers because wages increase abruptly and schedules are very demanding. Many times executives are expected to work in numerous departments and travel often. Therefore, the gap ii pay and positions between men and women may be because women are measured exactly the same as men, not because of discrimination or unfair treatment. This trend is producing high cost on individuals and society because many professional women are eliminating motherhood altogether or are forced into the fertility industry when they do decide to have children. Solutions for these Challenges For the most part, people believe that this trend will handle itself. Others argue that government intervention such as women quotas, state-funded daycares, extended paid maternity leave, â€Å"parent’s salary,† earlier preschool education, or the elimination of part-time jobs is necessary to fix these problems. The Economist discusses how these different alternatives have been used in other countries with success, but there is not enough evidence to show these measures have created the success. In fact, America has had many of the same results as these countries without taking such drastic measures. There are less dramatic steps that the American government can take to improve and ease women into the workforce. These include alterations such as longer school days and shorter summer holidays or closing midday. The struggle with fixing problems from â€Å"the social consequences of women’s economic empowerment† will continue for decades to come. The Future of Women in the Workforce This trend of women in the workforce is likely to continue to grow and is apparent throughout all aspects of business. The Economist predicts that by 2011, there will be 2. 6 million more female than male university students. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that women already compose more than 2/3 of employment in 10 of the 15 job categories today. Many women are also opening their own business, doubling that of men in the last 10 years. Women will also benefit from the â€Å"war for talent† because of the ageing workforce and need for skill-dependent workers. Many firms are dividing hours differently such as judging hours annually instead of weekly, allowing them to come in early or late, allowing Fridays off as long as hours are made up, and even allowing husbands and wives to share jobs. The corporate world is even making adjustments to encourage women into the workforce and help with the juggle of raising children and working such as rethinking promotional practices and sustain communication with mothers who are away from work due to their children, allowing them to work from home, or offering flexible scheduling. With the advancement of technology – Internet, e-mail, and conferencing – redesigning the workplace is much more possible.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Compare and Contrast Literature Essay

I have chosen to compare and contrast a short story, written by Kate Chopin titled â€Å"The story of an hour,† and a poem written by Alfred, Lord Tennyson titled, â€Å"In Memoriam. † I chose these two pieces of work because I was drawn to the short story and when I read the poem it had the same theme of hope in the face of death. The topic, or theme of these particular literary works is death and impermanence. I will compare and contrast the elements of symbolism, point of view, theme, and setting. The comparison of these particular works will provide deeper insights to the hope that develops within a person when confronted with death, as well as further insight to the symbolism used within the choice of words written by the authors to convey their feelings at that particular time that the work was written. Authors are sometimes likely to deal with the superficial appearance of things rather than showing genuine knowledge of what is actually real (Evans, 2010). In the poem by Lord Tennyson the genuine knowledge of reality is definitely present, however, the short story by Kate Chopin seems to become somewhat illogical in the end when the wife dies of â€Å"joy that kills† In an analysis of short fiction, the text points out that authors will know how to manipulate words but not know how to examine the ideas seriously (Evans, 2010). â€Å"In Memoriam,† is a poem that was written in response to the death of a close friend of the author. His reflection is written to show that hope may be a sustaining factor in the face of death (Clugston, 2010). The author of this work is showing his hopefulness for all, not just himself or the deceased. â€Å"That not one life shall be destroy’d, / or cast as rubbish to the void† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6). Which sounds like he feels as if his friend was â€Å"cast as rubbish to the void. † The author continues on with his words as if he is trying to gain hope for himself, along with others, and hopes that he is not cast to the void as well. The story of an hour,† is a short story that was written to coincide with the author’s personal quest for freedom, along with upholding a woman’s strength in spite of her adulterous life, and developing hope in the face of death (Clugston, 2010). This author is describing an epiphany of hope that comes in a sudden wave of emotion and confusion. â€Å"There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know. † (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). Mrs. Mallard had just been given the tragic news of her husband being in the train accident, yet she is trying to fight off the emotions of joy and freedom as best she could. To no avail, she realized that there was so much life and detail in everything around her. The birds were singing in the trees, the clouds piled in the sky above her house, and the sudden feeling of what seemed like joy! Both the poem, and the short story are made up of the emotions that surround death. An elegy, which is a lyric poem about death, has the emotions of uncertainty, confusions, hope, sadness, and even symbolism to show some of these emotions. In both works there is the mention of spring, which symbolizes birth and new beginnings. The poem says, â€Å"I can but trust that good shall fall / At last – far off – at last, to all, / and every winter change to spring† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6). The short story describes the setting in this detail; â€Å"she could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). The reference to spring is the hopefulness that both authors have for the future. In contrast, the poem, compares the spring to a change from winter to spring, which symbolizes the transition from death (winter), to birth (spring), and the continued hope for new beginnings. The difference in these two literary works is how the setting and point of view are written. The poem does not have a real clear setting, and is done in first person. The short story describes the setting, minor details of the characters, and is written in third person which allows for the author to relate with the feelings and thoughts of the other characters as well as the protagonist. Even though the overall theme of death is what links these two works together, the point of view is what sets them apart. The setting of â€Å"In Memoriam† seems to be within the author’s mind or dream. â€Å"So runs my dream; but what am I? † (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6). There is no definite place or time in this poem, whereas the story is set at the protagonist’s house, where she goes to be alone in her bedroom. Once there, she notices the sky and the trees within her yard that are described in detail, also with some added symbolism. For example; â€Å"There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). The patches of blue sky is where the symbolism for calm and peaceful is conveyed. In spite of the day’s events there is a calmness in the air that leads into the coming of Mrs. Mallard’s epiphany. Once I interpreted this symbolism, there was a sense of foreshadowing that I did not relate to the story the first few times I read it. I would describe the details of this setting as a ‘symbolic setting. ’ The whole picture the reader gets out of the window of Mrs. Mallard’s room is calmness, new beginning, and joy. In contrast to the story, the poem’s lack of setting leaves the reader in wonder. There is only symbolic emotion and metaphors with no clear reason or event. It is clear the author is relating his emotions of sorrow with words, but there lacks clarity in the why or whom. The work is somewhat vague, leaving the emotion of the poem in a generalized form to which anyone could connect. In the same sense, a reader may not connect with the poem because there is not a specific or personal connection within the writing for the reader to relate to. The reader must have some knowledge of the author outside the poem to fully understand the meaning and symbolism. Continuing, with a thought on symbolism, there is a metaphor in both literary works which compares emotions to a crying baby. It was not until I read the works side by side that I noticed the reference. In the poem the author writes; â€Å"So runs my dream; but what am I? An infant crying in the night; / An infant crying for the light; / And with no language but a cry† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6). An infant crying for the â€Å"light,† is crying for hope, knowledge, truth, and safety (Clugston, 2010). The metaphor in the short story is described as; â€Å"†¦ when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). Similar to the first metaphor, the meaning is the same, babies cry for comfort and safety. Both characters are in a state of confusion and are relating their feelings to a baby because they want comfort and safety to reassure them, and they can hold on to their hope. When using the formalist approach to analyze the literary works, I was faced with the questions of; what makes the setting so memorable? How were the characters described, contrasted and developed? Why was the plot intriguing? Did surprise occur? And, what point of view was used? To recap on point of view, as mentioned earlier, the poem â€Å"In Memoriam† is written in first person, whereas â€Å"The story of an hour’ is written in third person omniscient. It is not limited omniscient because thoughts and feelings of characters, other than the protagonist, are conveyed to the reader. â€Å"Her husband’s friend Richards was there, too, near her. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard’s name leading the list of â€Å"killed. † He had only taken time to assure himself of its truths by a second telegram, and had hastened to forstall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). When first reading the short story, it was not the setting itself that was memorable. The theme and plot is what kept my attention as the reader. However, after analyzing the symbolism, there is more to the meaning within the story that further captured my curiosity. â€Å"The story of an hour† is set at the home of the Mallard’s, but is not described in full detail. Just before Mrs. Mallard realizes the importance of her life and freedom, there is detail of the outside setting of the house, followed by Mrs. Mallard being able to see the beauty, life, and colors that everything has to offer. The narrator even describes the sparrows singing in the trees. Mrs. Mallard never would have appreciated this simple joy previous to the ‘accident,’ and was able to finally feel everything during her hour of personal discovery. Moving on to the question of how the characters are described, contrasted, and developed, the characters in the short story are not described in detail, if at all. There is a slight emotional description of Mr. Mallard’s friend, Richards, but in the poem there is virtually no character description. Since the poem is from a first person point of view, only the emotions and thoughts are described in detail. The plot of the short story was intriguing because it started off with a surprise, followed by suspense, unlike the poem. The poem starts and ends with simple feelings of hope and uncertainty, where the short story goes on to explain the death and detail of the husband’s accident. The story starts with sudden tragedy, and the suspense develops because the reader knows the story does not end there. It must contain a climax, which is not generally given at the very beginning of a story. When reading the poem, I was able to relate with the feelings of the author, however, there is not a defined plot or turn of events. The poem starts, as well as ends, with only emotions of hope, uncertainty, and sorrow in the form of metaphors. Figurative language is used to create mood and reveal the theme in the short story. When the narrator described how the sister, Josephine, was going to break the tragic news to Mrs. Mallard, there was an immediate mood of sadness and shock that developed. â€Å"In broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. ). The theme of death and tragedy is also reiterated at this point because this is not the first mention of the accident. This is figurative because it does not make a straight forward statement, it implies that the sister is trying to communicate the information, but that alone does not mean that she will succeed in the task. It sets a mood because the reader immediately feels sad for both Mrs. Mallard and her sister who is trying to tell her in the easiest way possible. With regard to the poem, the figurative language here sets a mood, but an unsure mood. It too reveals a theme of death, but in more of a generalized way and is not specific to a certain character. â€Å"oh, yet we trust that somehow good / will be the final end of ill† (as cited in Clugston, 2020, 11. 6). Using the words, â€Å"we trust,† and â€Å"somehow,† it is difficult to know where the poem’s mood is headed. It could be happy and hopeful because it might show the possible trust that has evolved into a not so tragic death, or it may go on to reveal the â€Å"final end,† being unexpected and depressing. It is, however, obvious there will be sorrow throughout the writing. The figurative language goes on to develop hope with a form of symbolism. There is always a form of hope that develops within the mind and emotions of people when they are confronted by death. Whether it is hope that the deceased did not suffer, hope that they have moved on to a better world, hope that they knew who the people are that cared and will miss them, or hope for one’s self, and that the surviving can find enjoyment within the future, move on and be happy, along with the hope that their own death is far enough away that they will not have to live in fear of confronting death as well. The writer ends the poem with hope described as an infant would hope, for love and attention. â€Å"The story of an hour,† and â€Å"In Memoriam,† are two very similar but very different literary works, they use symbolism in the face death to convey the development of hope within the diverse emotions of a person dealing with tragedy that ultimately results in death. Finally, both authors, Kate Chopin and Lord Tennyson, not only demonstrated genuine knowledge of what reality is without a superficial appearance, but they also were careful to examine the ideas before simply manipulating words to capture attention. These literary pieces of work were a joy to read and evaluate, with the simple idea, â€Å"That nothing walks with aimless feet;† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Contract Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Contract Law - Essay Example All contracts can be enforced in a court of law and if one party to the contract meets his contractual obligation and the other party does not, then the aggrieved party that is the non-breaching party is entitled to receive compensation through the court. Moreover, regarding the competency to contract, minors, persons disqualified by law, and persons of unsound mind lack the legal capacity and cannot enter into a valid contract. Minor is a person who has not attained the age of majority as prescribed by the law. Here in the given context, there are two situations presented for analysis and to provide advice; Miss K Martin with Willis Vents Ltd and Miss K Martin with Malcolm Rogers. The following chronology provides a brief idea about the events happened in the course of time in the business of Miss K Martin with both the Parties. Chronology January 2011 Miss K Martin contracts WV for a quote to build a chilled section April 2001 WV and Miss K Martin agrees to go ahead with the work f or a total cost of ?5,000; the work to be completed on 1st August 2011 July 7, 2011 WV asks for an additional ?750 to complete the work on time; Miss Martin reluctantly agrees to do so. August 1, 2011 WV completes the work on time; Miss K Martin pays the actual contract price of ?5000 August 8, 2011 Payment of ?125 due from Malcolm Rogers August 15, 2011 Another payment of bill amounting ?145 due from Malcolm Rogers August 22, 2011 A third bill for ?140 is due from Malcolm Rogers August 30, 2011 WV sent an invoice for the payment of remaining ?750 August 30, 2011 Miss K Martin sends an invoice for the total amount of ?410 from Malcolm Rogers September 6, 2011 Miss K Martin responds to the reply from Malcolm Rogers regarding the invoice dated 30th August, 2011, and agrees to receive half of the amount due—amounting ?205, in full and final settlement as offered by Malcolm Rogers Willis Vents Ltd vs. Miss K Martin Contractor: Willis Vents Ltd Contractee: Miss K Martin As per the information given, Miss Martin intended to improve her storage facility and contracted Willis Vents Ltd. (WV) in January 2011 for a quote to build a chilled section within the garage and to install air conditioning throughout. The WV quoted the proposal for a total cost of ?5,000. And in April 2011both parties agreed upon the terms and conditions and entered into contract for a total cost of ?5,000, requiring the work to be completed on 1st August 2011. However, later, on July 7, 2011 Nick Parsons from the Willis Vents informed Miss Martin that unless an additional amount of ?750 is paid, the work would not be completed on the stipulated time; and she had to reluctantly agree in order to keep the work moving and to finish on time. It is evident that both the parties have entered into a legally valid contract, meeting the requirements as required in the Principles of European Contract Law. According to Chris Field (2010), the primary requirements for a valid contract are Offer, Acce ptance, and Consideration. The WV had quoted contract (offer) for a total amount of ?5,000 (consideration) and Miss Martin agreed with the terms (acceptance) of the contractor. According to the Section 1 Article 2.101(2) of the Contract Law, â€Å"a contract need not be concluded or evidenced in writing nor is it

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discuss the History and Philosophy oh how the First Immortal Cell Line Term Paper

Discuss the History and Philosophy oh how the First Immortal Cell Line was Created from Cervical Cancel Cell - Term Paper Example Henrietta’s cells were the first ever immortal human cells which later proved to be essential in the development of polio vaccinations. They went up in the first ever spaceship sent out of the earth’s atmosphere to determine what happened when human tissue was exposed to zero gravity. Her cells live on, and since 1951 her cells have been used for in vitro fertilization, gene mapping and cloning. Henrietta’s cells, when first put in a petri dish produced a new generation every twenty four hours. HeLa cells, as Lacks cells have come to be known were initially a part of the research into the genes that are cancer causing and the ones that can suppress it. They have so far been used in development drugs for the treatment of leukemia, herpes, hemophilia, influenza and Parkinson’s disease. They have also provided the basis to study and learn more about sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), lactose digestion, the bacteria that causes appendicitis, human l ongevity, mosquito mating, along with the negative cellular effects of working in sewers. Scientists have studied her cells for her DNA and chromosomes in such detail that they are now familiar with every niche and corner of the spiral that keeps replicating to keep the cells alive.(Skloot, R. 2010 )A high school biology teacher quoted that HeLa’s cell were the most important thing to happen to medical science in the past century. The interesting facts about Henrietta Lacks cells are not widely known but it was discovered that her chromosomes were incompatible with humans. Does this mean that the cells belong to a whole different species? Also, how do HeLa cells replicate and contaminate other cells in laboratory, almost like how weeds in the garden push their way through plants. No other human cells have so far ever been able to behave in this way. The ecological niche of those cells in not just limited to the human body but they have survived for many years outside showing us their ability to expand beyond human cultivation. Carcinoma in situ describes an abnormal growth of cells. Abnormal growth occurs when the stop button in cell growth is broken down and mitosis occurs repeatedly. Since it all started with cancer cells of a woman, we should take a look at the disease that caused scientists to spend so much effort on research. Uncontrolled growth of abnormal body cell is known as malignant cells are known as cancer. Cells in our body form tissues, which later on come together to build organs, so cells are known as the building blocks of life. Even the smallest living microbes have cells. ("History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian Magazine." History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2012). The cells in the body have a life cycle, they die and new cells are made in order to replace the previous dead cells until death. Cancer occurs when normal healthy cells suddenly start reprodu cing without stopping. Sometimes the shape of the cells also starts to change, for example in leukemia, also known as blood cancer, the shape of the red blood cells changes from concave to lunar thus making it inefficient to carry out respiration. This is exactly what happened to Lacks. Her cells in the cervical started reproducing at a very fast rate. This is how doctors were able to do research on them. Definition: ‘

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sustainability in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Sustainability in Practice - Essay Example Corporations position, align and strengthen themselves around the change, experience, missed opportunities and learn from the wasted resources. Due to the various changes in the business environment, sustainability of enterprises is entirely relevant to the modern corporations. Glover (2001) believes that the changing space and environment may have adverse impacts on the performance of the organization. As such, initiating and designing more integrated sustainability practices by the organization is an important element in remaining competitive. The long-term success is the primary focus of every business of which the sustainability strategies serve to support. Pugh and Mayle (2009) explain that sustainability is quite critical in building a competitive 21st-century organization. However, the long-term success focused by the various firms comes through treating sustainability with great efforts in incorporating strategic changes and innovations in the business. According to Goodall (2012), companies that view change as a form of significant adaptation in ensuring sustainability apply a strategic approach called change management. Change Management is a focused, principled and a disciplined framework that considers all the dimensions of the enterprise that critically influences the aspects of change and innovation within the dynamic business environment. Ferrell et al. (2015) explains that, change management approach identifies what needs to be fixed, aligned and engaged to realize the projected success. Arguably, the method or the model takes the best part of the behavioral thinking at the organization. The management makes the most vital decisions and uses design concepts to craft the roadmaps that address all issues surrounding the successes of the corporation. In fact, Feireiss (2008) supports the idea that sustainability theory rotate on the framework of integrated decision-making in ensuring the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Public Sector Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Public Sector Accounting - Essay Example In order to demonstrate the differences an organization from each sector has been taken. The chosen public sector organization is The Royal Mail Holdings Plc and the publicly listed company is Aviva Plc. Royal Mail is a 100% UK Government owned organization involved with the postal services throughout UK, Ireland and Europe (Royal Mail Group Ltd, 2012). Aviva is a UK-based largest global insurance company and world’s sixth largest (Aviva, 2012). The third section demonstrates the effect of the objectives of public sector accounting and the rules and regulations governing public sector organizations in the form of differences and similarities in the format, style and accounting policies in the annual reports of Royal Mail and Aviva. The fourth section deals with the role of auditor in both the organizations. Overall the four sections in the project analyze if the differences between the two sectors’ accounting practices are prominent or if there is any reduction in their differing frameworks. Accounting Needs & Objectives The public sector encompasses all the organizations that are not owned or operated by private organizations. The organizations’ control lies in the hands of the Government, either national or local. Public sector in UK is diverse and includes nationalized industries, Government agencies and public service organizations. Nationalized industries are commercial organizations that sell goods to market but are mainly governed by government-appointed boards and ministers rather than markets or shareholders. The surplus generated from their operations is expected to enable replacement investment. The government agencies include welfare services and taxation body. These agencies are required to deliver satisfactory services to the claimants and taxpayers by using the resources at their disposal. The public service organization provides health, policing and defence services on behalf of central or local government. These services ar e financed from the tax revenues and therefore not charged from the public directly. Unlike the private sector with a clear objective of profit-making, the public sector has a complex mix of objectives and demands. It is primarily concerned with serving the general public. The importance of public sector accounting and disclosures, and their differences from the private sector accounting is due to the following reasons: Lack of making Profits: The ultimate objective of a private organization if profit making and/or creating wealth for its shareholders. However a public sector organization’s objective is not considered profit making. Sometimes this suggests the possibility of inefficient use of resources or absence of commitment to provide good service to the clients due to no profit-making. Lack of Competition: A private sector organization usually operates in an industry with direct competitors and subject to regulations by oversight regulatory bodies. Contrary to this the p ublic sector organizations are not subject to disciplines of the markets and lack the comparability with other firms. Public Interest: There is a corporate governance framework and audit rules for private organizat

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - assignment 2 - Essay Example The waterfall model here helps in processing the individual steps before stepping into another one. It incorporates this stepwise approach into an iterative framework that more realistically reflects the real world. The waterfall model is accommodated where there is low specification risk and no need for prototyping for risk resolution. Thus the activities of the second quadrant of the spiral model can be skipped. In another pass of the loop the same stages are revisited and both the waterfall and prototyping model works once again. 1. Data design: It transforms the information domain model created during analysis into the data structures that will be required to implement the software. The data objects and relationships defined in the entity relationship diagram and the detailed data content depicted in the data dictionary provide a basis for data design activities. 2. Architectural design: It defines the relationship between major structural elements of the software, the â€Å"design patterns† that can be used to achieve the requirements that have been designed by the system. It represents the framework of a computer based system and can be derived from the system specification, the analysis model and the interaction of the subsystems defined within the analysis model. 4. Component level design: It transforms structural elements of the software architecture into procedural description of software components. Information obtained from the project specification, control specification and state transition diagram serve as a basis for component design. 1. The subsystem Layer: It contains a representation of each of the subsystems that enable the software to achieve its customer-defined requirements and to implement the technical infrastructure that supports customer requirements. 2. The class and object layer: It contains the class hierarchies that enable the system to be created using generalizations and increasingly more targeted specializations. This layer

Monday, September 23, 2019

The effects of Interior Design and staff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The effects of Interior Design and staff - Essay Example Ulrich (2010, p.97) argues that the failure of hard facilities are attributed to the fact that they are stressful and does not satisfy the psychological needs of patients, staff and visitors. Research indicates that poor design impacts negatively on the well-being of patients. In addition, poor designs can affect the psychological pointers of wellness negatively. In this regard, research has associated poor design of the interior medical environment to a number of negative consequences for patients such as delirium, anxiety, high blood pressure, and increased intake of pain drugs. Therefore, the interior design has a responsibility to produce health facilities that enhances functional efficiency, marking, codes and reduces cost. In addition, designers should also aim at promoting the wellness of patients by designing physical environment that is psychologically supportive. Ulrich (2010, p.97) argues that a psychologically supportive environment promote patients’ coping with il lnesses such as stress and depression. In addition, a supporting environment impacts greatly on the healing effects of drugs, which enhances the recovery process. Poor designs, on the other hand, does not promote patients’ coping with stress since it is associated with stressors that only worsen the patient’s condition. Poor designs have also been found to have effects that negatively impacts on the healing process. Based on the above comments, this paper will examine the extent to which the interior design on medical environment stimulates patients and staff. Why a good healthcare environment is important for patients Edge (2003, p.2) argues that environmental factors influences how people behave in a given building setting. As a result, dating back to 1960s, architects have strongly believed that if someone can manipulate his environment to enhance physical well-being, then he or she can influence it to promote the behavior required and do away with the negative cons equences. The concept has since played a major role in the design of hospitals facilities all over the world. Naturally, when someone is not comfortable with the physical environment where he or she lives, the person can solve the problem by either finding the ways of adapting to the same environment or simply departing the area. However, this does not apply in hospital facilities. This is attributed to the fact that patients have no control of designing to change the environment or leave altogether because they are held captive in their surroundings. As a result, the responsibility of enhancing the wellness of patients on the hospital is placed upon the designers according to Malkin (1992, p.16). Edge (2003, p. 3) notes that designers usually face a huge challenge in coming up with a good interior design that enhances the well-being of patients. Patients usually come to the hospital suffering from a given ailment. As such, it is imperative that the interior design of the hospital f acilities positively influences the psychological state of patients and promote their recovery process. â€Å"Good quality design will contribute to providing an environment in which patients will be safe and secure. Well-designed buildings, capable

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Study of a leader in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Study of a leader in business - Essay Example ere a psychological profile that identifies a leader, and if so are there different psychological attributes that can identify a great leader If these traits can be somehow quantified, are there other qualities which are present in differing degrees that determine a business leader. ... he mood and temper of the people as well as the critical components inherent in the objectives Or are leadership qualities constant, displaying inherent characteristics that in differing degrees can be found in examples of leadership throughout history Is it something that a person is born with, inherits, or is learned Is there a psychological profile that identifies a leader, and if so are there different psychological attributes that can identify a great leader If these traits can be somehow quantified, are there other qualities which are present in differing degrees that determine a business leader. Is it style, intelligence, insight, a Midas touch, or elements of luck Could it be that the qualities that determine a successful business leader are attributes one is born with, or is it the ability to respond to the demands of the consistently changing business climate by finding solutions which enable one to work through vicissitudes and come out on top One common thread which is obvious in all great leaders, be they revered or scorned, is that they viewed the world, events, history, the present as well as the future in ways that were different from their contemporaries, and in such a manner that distinguished them in their era. What great leadership is, how it manifests itself in certain individuals is a subject which could entail considerable debate, thus the examination shall limit itself to one particular individual and determine if we can understand what and why this person has exhibited and demonstrated the attributes which cause us to view him in such a manner. This study shall look at Sir Richard Branson as an example of leadership in that he represents a contemporary individual who rose from modest means to become one of the world's most successful

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Yeats’s Versification in ‘Adam’s Curse’ and ‘the Wild Swans at Coole’ Essay Example for Free

Yeats’s Versification in ‘Adam’s Curse’ and ‘the Wild Swans at Coole’ Essay How do the characters of Therese, Laurent and Meursault change after they have committed their respective murders? The protagonists in both the novels â€Å"Therese Raquin† by Emile Zola, and â€Å"The Outsider† by Albert Camus, ultimately commit murder. This is the turning point in both cases, and the way in which their various characters change because of this will be analysed and compared. In Therese Raquin, after the murder of Camille, both Therese and Laurent react at first with shock, Therese flying into fits of hysterics and Laurent with a rationality that seems to be his coping mechanism at first. However, as time passes, it seems as though the characters begin to relax again, although Zola foreshadows upheaval to come: â€Å"it was changing them, for a hidden process had taken place within them†. The first indication of this is their loss of passion; â€Å"love had lost its appeal, their appetite had disappeared the touching of their skin made them feel slightly queasy†. Their decision to get married brings up tortuous nightmares in L, as he imagines the corpse of Camille in the place of Therese’s body. This is the very beginning of the agonising torment that the two characters suffer as a result of the memory, perhaps even the guilt, of their crime. â€Å"Therese too had been visited by the ghost of Camille during that feverish night†. These imaginings and hallucinations, at times becoming palpable visions that convince them of the dead man’s existence, eventually drive the two characters over the brink of insanity. â€Å"The lovers’ panic grew worse, and every day their nightmares made them more demented and distraught†, before they even got married. They looked upon their forthcoming wedding as an alleviation to save them from their terrible imaginings. However, we see just how misguided this expectation is on their wedding night; they feel they are â€Å"still separated by a gaping chasm they dreamed that they had been violently separated and flung in opposite directions†. This signals the drastic changes to come about in their lives, and is highlighted by the dynamic verb â€Å"flung† and the emphasis on violence. They begin to believe the dreadful memory of Camille separates them no t only in their minds, but physically, feeling that â€Å"his body is still here between us, turning our limbs to ice†, and this idea stays at the foremost of their suffering – that the ghost of Camille is haunting them and making its presence felt. Zola portrays their response to this as they are â€Å"experiencing profound disturbancesthey found themselves in the grip of a common terror seized by a feverish delusion: they could touch the body, see it stretched out there like a greenish, half-putrefiedmass of decomposing humanity† which constantly stays in their awareness for the rest of their miserable lives. The physical and psychological anguish for the two â€Å"lovers† was so great that Therese â€Å"would have flung herself into the fire, had she thought that the flames would purify her flesh and deliver her from her pain† and Laurent being driven to distraction as he sees â€Å"five Camilles in front of him, created by the power of his own hands† simply because the playing of the dead man on his conscience is enough to take root in everything he does, whether it is painting or touching his wife. However, it is not clear whether the two characters actually ever feel any sense of remorse for their crime. Their terror is undeniably because of the act they committed, but probably down to the actual experience, and their fear of being discovered, than a sense of regret or guilt – Laurent even goes as far as to say that they would â€Å"chuck him in again if we had to†. Despite Laurent and Therese’s dread of being discovered, the forced endurance of psychological battering eventually causes them to confess their crime to Madame Raquin, when â€Å"Laurent had a kind of fit during which he talked like a man hallucinating†. We can question the basis of their terror of being found out by others, and whether it is guilt in that they believe they have done wrong, or simply their fear of the guillotine. However, we learn that â€Å"they were frustrated with their crime itself, and despairing that it had ruined their lives for good†, showing their utterly selfish nature in that they are repenting not because of the actual murder of a man, but because of the toll it takes on their own lives. Zola demonstrates the effects of this internal turmoil, as â€Å"it was inevitable that it would come to hatred in the end. They had loved each other like animals, with the hot passions of the blood; then, in the nervous upheaval following their crime, love had turned to fear and they had felt a physical horror at the thought of their embraces.† This acute hatred for one another takes shape as night after night, Therese and Laurent fight viciously, Laurent often striking Therese as she desperately provoked him; until their whole lives are swallowed up in this bitter feuding, a colossal irony considering their earlier passion and love, and their plotting of murder to allow themselves to live a life of luxury and sensual pleasures. Their animalistic traits are what governs them – and leads them into such a state that â€Å"they lived in a hell bitterly and cruelly†¦ trying to push each other over the brink of the precipice which they felt yawning at their feet, and into which they were in fact both already plunging†. The horror that Therese feels is perfectly depicted when she believes herself to be pregnant, and the thought fills her with such despair and dread that she â€Å"offers her stomach to [Laurent’s] blow. She allowed herself to be kicked almost to death in that way, and the next day she had a miscarriage†. Laurent, on the other hand, possesses none of Therese’s apparent rationality – he is driven to distraction, to the point that â€Å"he was literally afraid of Francois [the cat]and flung it with all his strength against the black wall†. Therese and Laurent experience these various stages of fear, hate, indifference, remorse (feigned so well that she ends up believing it) on the part of Therese, and depression. Laurent is described as having â€Å"all the lifegone out of his flesh†. The madness that they succumb to leads them to murder each other – yet, at the point of their ensuing deaths, the two discover that they need the unconsciousness of death; as it is the one place where their torment cannot follow them; â€Å"as they thought back over the past, they felt so weary and disgusted with themselves that they were filled with an immense need for rest, for oblivion. They exchanged a final glanceof gratitude, beforethe glass of poison†. There are some significant similarities with this process that Therese and Laurent undergo and that of Meurseault as he comes to terms with his murder of the Arab. In the early part of the book, the reader sees a Meursault devoid of a spoken consciousness and one who feels total adversity towards society and vice versa. Camus has juxtaposed his character against the norms of society to bring out his stark differences through the usage of Meursaults uncanny ability to register cold, hard facts. Meursault refuses to spend the time and effort required in connecting these facts. This narrative effect can be seen from the opening passage, Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday; I dont know. Here, we see Meursaults shocking indifference to his mothers death and his event stating quality. He merely recounts the dubious facts of his mothers death as plainly as the telegram had stated it. Throughout the whole process of his attending the funeral is treated with the same jarring coldness. Events and conversation are retold in a photo-journalistic like frankness, chronologically precise from the moment he catches the bus to time when he crawls into bed. Meursault is also one who has virtually no emotion, detached from basic human experiences of love and affection. This can be seen when his fiancà ©e, Marie, provokes an answer, She asked me again if I loved her. I replied, much before, that her question meant nothing or next to nothing- but I supposed I didnt. Curious, she then asks whether he would have given the same answer to another girl who had asked you to marry her, to which he replies in total honesty, Naturally. His inability to feel love is coupled with his almost animalistic mating-like quality where it is a question of when, not whom. His indifference, lack of emotion, and his way of reporting his impressions factually shows little involvement in society, as if he were an outsider, a spectator, who must judge objectively and it is from this that his estrangement from society be felt. Meursault; a middle class bachelor with a painfully simple life, is viewed as indifferent in the eyes of society. He does not care and is not ashamed of it. But his indifference is not one of callousness but stems instead from the â€Å"benign indifference of the universe† in relations to his own existence. The murder which signifies the end of Part One, unwittingly commits Meursault to the laws of society. He suddenly finds himself a victim of societal norms, the very thing he shunned. Here Meursault is obliged to accustom himself to society for his impending fate depends on it. He finds society absurd and it is through this experience that the reader comes to sympathize with Meursaults point of view and evaluates the absurdity of society. While being held, the prison guard discusses with him: â€Å"‘you’re being deprived of your liberty.’ I saw his point. Thats true, I said. Otherwise it wouldnt be a punishment.† Meursault finds this all completely baffling to the point that he has to talk with the warden to find out that prison deprives one of freedom which totally defeats the initial purpose of putting him in jail. While society tries to enforce its ideals on its Meursault, he acts in honest aloofness. In a conversation with the magistrate, In the same weary tone he asked me a last question: Did I regret what I had done? After thinking a bit, I said that what I felt was less regret than a kind of vexation. But he didnt seem to understand. The magistrate wanted to hear that Meursault felt guilty and sorry for what he had done. Instead, Meursault feels annoyance rather than regret, to the frustration of the magistrate. Faced with these challenges, Meursault attempts to make sense of what is happening around him and through it, tries to understand society. In his cell, he makes a conscious effort to learn about his new surroundings, I made a point of visualizing every piece of furniture, and each article upon it, and then every detail, so to speak: a tiny dent or incrustation, or a chipped edge, and the exact grain and colour of the woodwork. This symbolizes his willingness to acquaint himself with an entrapment which is alien to him: society and its workings. However, even on close inspection, he fails to make sense of it and this drives him father away from society. This is evident from an episode he had with his lawyer: â€Å"I wasnt to have any say and my fate was to be decided out of hand. It was quite an effort at times for me to refrain from cutting them all short, and saying: ‘But damn it all, whos on trial in this court, Id like to know? Its a serious matter for a man, being accused of murder. And Ive something really important to tell you.’† Meursault clearly feels frustration from this estrangement which fuels even more reason for his dislike of society and its morals. Through this, he gathers experiential evidence that society is indeed absurd and it does one no good to be a part of it, hence forging an even greater alienation from it. In the concluding chapters, Meursault accepts his fate which enables him to squarely face his death and come to terms with his position in this world. While undergoing this metamorphosis, Meursault discovers his independent consciousness. In prison, he relates, †¦I heard something that I hadnt heard for months. It was the sound of a voice; my own voice, there was no mistaking it†¦ the voice that for many a day of late had been buzzing in my ears. This voice he speaks of is his consciousness, spoken freely, unrestricted, and wholly accessible to his thoughts. This sudden enlightenment allows Meursault the grace of accepting his death. He rationalizes for the first time: â€Å"†¦Its common knowledge that life isnt worth living anyhow†¦ it makes little difference whether one dies†¦ the world would go on as before.† Although he does not wish his death, he embraces it as an end. It did not matter how or when he achieved this end for to him, all ends ended the same- in death. In the final moments before his death, the absurdity of society no longer bothers Meursault for now he deals with the greater elements of truth and reality. Meursault makes peace with himself, but not without a sudden purging of restrained convictions. He gets tangled in an argument with the prison chaplain who in the last moments of his doom, tries to convert him. In his rage, he reveals his ultimate assurance: that he â€Å"was sure of myself, sure about everything†¦ Id been right, I was still right, I was always right. Id pass my life in a certain way, and I might have passed it in a different way, if Id felt like it.† Meursault develops such a rational consciousness that it becomes his moral code of belief, his belief of truth. This sudden outburst gradually forces the felt but unspoken philosophy of his existence to emerge into the open, and to finally express itself in words. It was necessary too for it gave him a new sense of direction: â€Å"I, too, felt ready to start life over again. It was as if that great gush of anger had washed me clean, emptied me of hope, and, I laid my heart open to the benign indifference of the universe†¦ Id been happy, and I was happy still.† Meursault at last finds peace within himself. Alienated from society and life itself, he finds honour in death, taking nothing from this world with him, because it gave him nothing. Thus, Meursaults journey towards discovery (and, ironically, death) can be seen as a celebration of the human consciousness, grounded in the human spirit and its ability to overcome the absurd, to triumph when failure seems so imminent. Meursault finally realizes his estrangement from society and disregards what society thinks about him – as long as he is happy with who he is and what he had done. This is on a whole separate level to the feelings of Therese and Laurent: while all three find death a means of escape, and wish it on themselves, they view it as a comfort, to end their tired, self-destructive lives, whereas Meursault seems to find happiness and fulfilment in the idea that he is reaching his destination.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Psychology Literature Analysis : Little Red Riding Hood

Psychology Literature Analysis : Little Red Riding Hood Even though there are abundant ways of engaging in accepting literature, psychoanalytic interpretation tries to find a meaning even beyond what is seen in the text. By distrusting the actuality of intrinsic and concealed motives, it provides a wide range of conceptual and imaginative possibilities. Freuds theories were enormously influential, but subject to considerable criticism both now and during his own life (Cherry). His psychoanalytical theories are still used today in analyzing literature. When the psychoanalytical theory of personality is being applied in Charles Perraults, Little Red Riding Hood, it proposes evidence approaching sexual motivations. It perfectly integrates with Sigmund Freuds psychic apparatus which contain the three essential sections of the mental processes which are the id, ego and superego. Sigmund Freud developed the formulation of the psychoanalytical idea behind his principle theory that all human behavior is motivated by sexuality. Throughout Perraults, Little Red Riding Hood, there were various amounts of sexual associations throughout the story. Even the moral of the story suggests being cautious against smooth-tongued and dangerous beasts, that like to dispossess innocence from young girls. Similarly, the wolf does more than just consume the Little Red Riding Hoods grandmother, but alternatively, he immediately fell upon the good women and ate her up in a moment (Perrault). Furthermore, before eating Little Red Riding Hood, he invites her to come in the bed with him. At that point, the young girl took off her clothes and got into bed. She was greatly amazed to see how her grandmother looked in her nightclothes (Perrault). After she thoroughly examines and comments on the bodily features of the wolf, he then threw himself upon Little Red Riding Hood (Perrault) and ate her too. With Little Red Riding Hood experiencing seduction from the wolf, Little Red Riding Hood by no means showed any motive via escape or fighting back. She is an ignoramus and maybe on the other hand she wanted to be misled. Furthermore, Perrault also makes use of another example: Put the cakes and the little pot of butter on the bin and climb into bed with me (Perrault). The young girl does not disagree plus she felt obligated to follow the wolfs wishes, which shows her sexuality and desire for the wolf. In addition to these details Little Red Riding Hood is switched from being gullible, pretty young girl, which was persuaded towards disobeying her mothers forewarning and enjoys living in her own little fantasy world. These clear references in the text are proof of evidence that support Freuds theories on the psychoanalytical approach. In the beginning of Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood adventures off and while she is skipping carrying the goodies where then, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up (Perrault) and continues to have a sociable conversation with the wolf. This was Little Red Riding Hoods first mistake. Being immature and oblivious of the way the world works and she thought it was okay to talk to a wolf that was very sly. Since the little girl is immature and extremely vulnerable, since Little Red Riding Hood is showed as being friendly and slightly ignorant she didnt think anything was wrong with talking to the wolf that confronted her in the woods. The wolf asks Little Red, Little Red, just where does your grandmother live? (Grimm) She responded, A good quarter of a league farther on in the wood; her house stands under the three large oak-trees, the nut-trees are just below; you surely must know it (Grimm). She wasnt thinking thoroughly of what could come of her ex plaining where the wolf could find Little Red Riding Hoods grandmother. Due to Little Red Riding Hoods ignorance of what could possibly happen due to her irresponsible choice of blabbing about your grandmothers whereabouts with a dangerous and senseless wolf. When correctly applying the psychoanalytical approach to this story, it is appropriate to prove the interactions of the human mind. The concept of the unconscious mind can inspire human behavior because it is essential to the investigation of Perraults, Little Red Riding Hood. Cherry expresses the thought that, Sigmund Freud believed that there were three psychic zones of mental processes: id, ego and superego (The Id, Ego and Superego). In Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hoods elders, grandmother and mother represent the superego in the story. They both raise Little Red Riding Hood by helping to protect and control her motives and desires. On the other hand, the wolf symbolizes the id. Lacking both the logic and rule of action, he only functions only to reach full satisfaction. The wolf is at fault because he gave into his own uncontrolled desires. When the wolf first catches sight of the young girl he, wanted to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters wo rking nearby in the forest (Perrault). The wolf refrained himself from his own desires because he didnt want to be killed by the woodcutters that were nearby. Eventually, giving into his voluptuous urges, he arrived at the grandmothers house first and devoured her. Once the wolf ate the grandmother he couldnt stop himself in giving into his own temptations. The wolf was not being smart once he gave into his temptations because at that point he was only thinking with his stomach. Cherry explains that, The id is driven by the pleasure principle, which strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs. If these needs are not satisfied immediately, the result is a state anxiety or tension (The Id, Ego and Superego). The wolf relied on his aggression and determination to obtain what he wanted as his final result. On the other hand Little Red Riding Hood served as the middle man between self-control and utter confusion. Little Red Riding Hood symbolizes the ego which attempts to be the equilibrium between both the id and superego. At the beginning of the story, Little Red Riding Hood is characterized as being the, prettiest creature who was ever seen (Perrault). With her mother so adoring of her, she later enters into the woods where she confronts the id. At this point, she disobeys her mothers instructions, and evolves to being a poor child. The moral of the story, is that these young women maybe well brought up, but they still turn unwise and ignorant when they do speak to strangers. Being considered as the prettiest creature, it was Little Red Riding Hoods own fault for leaning too far into the senseless id. Furthermore, Sigmund Freud suggests that this struggle of the psychic apparatus of the three mental processes of the psychoanalytical theory of personality can only conclude to the death of Little Red Riding Hood, which inevitably also turned out to be the fate of her grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood becomes extremely happy when she gets to see her sick grandmother and try and cheer her up. Little Red Riding Hood being ignorant and is unaware that her grandmother is actually the sly wolf. If she asks her grandmother all these questions about her bodily features and if she saw something abnormal then she could have realized that there was something truly wrong with the way her grandmother had looked. She currently had no reasoning in this situation. The sly wolf, whos only goal is to ingest any type of flesh, tricks the young girl. The wolf and the young little girl are both idiots in this situation. The wolf could care less about anything else, except his only motivation which is to get Little Red Riding Hood into bed. Put the cake and the butter down on the bread-bin and come and lie down with me (Perrault). The wolf only wanted to just satisfy his irresistible needs. The wolf doesnt know right from wrong, he just reacts to his animalistic desires. The wol f is a creature who is trying to exert himself for his full gratification of his wants and needs. The moral of the story cautions that the wolf in the story is going to try and take advantage of any ignorant or vulnerable creatures. People are capable of bestowing into their own temptations, but they need to know what is right from wrong. The psychoanalytic approach is used for examining literature; it results in being entirely intriguing. Sexual motives are clearly seen throughout the story, thus confirming the complexity beyond what is seen in the text. Maybe it is abnormal than just analyzing literature. However, this examination remains both thought of being out of the norm and intriguing.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Black Friday Takeover Essay -- Hollydays, Thanksgiving

â€Å"Mommy, why didn’t I get what I wanted for Thanksgiving this year?† This question seems absurd in a modern-day context, but in the future, it could be a question that is asked much too often. With holiday-themed advertisements in the media and holiday discount deals already visible on the shelves, it is no wonder that Black Friday and the holiday shopping season are creeping up closer and closer to Thanksgiving. Black Friday is a popular phrase used to describe the chaotic shopping frenzy that takes place every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving. In recent years, the chaos of this so-called â€Å"holiday† has only escalated; consumers are trampling one another to get the best deals, and retailers are scrambling to keep up with their competitors. However, this year, many large department stores in the United States are opening their doors on Thanksgiving day in preparation for Black Friday (Zilman). This unprecedented event brings light to a star tling change in American society. Black Friday’s inevitable takeover of Thanksgiving will ruin the holiday itself and negatively impact traditional familial values because it will force Americans to embrace materialism in place of graciousness. Thanksgiving is a traditional American holiday dating back to colonial times. The commonly-known First Thanksgiving is a story that all American children learn. The Native Americans teach the Pilgrims to grow food to last the winter. At the end of the harvest, the Pilgrims and Native Americans come together to celebrate and give thanks for the friendship they have and for all of the blessings they have received. Modern Thanksgiving, although based off of the First Thanksgiving, has evolved considerably. It is traditionally celebrated by fam... ...Jennifer. â€Å"With Thanksgiving-Night Openings, Do Retailers Risk More Than Busting Doors?† n.p., 14 Nov 2012. Web. 15 Nov 2013. Stein, Joel. â€Å"Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation.† n.p., 20 May 2013. Web. 15 Nov 2013. Tozzi, John. â€Å"The Branding of Black Friday.† n.p., 20 Nov 2012. Web. 11 Nov 2013. Tuttle, Brad. â€Å"What’s on Tap for Black Friday.† n.p., 20 Nov 2012. Web. 16 Nov 2013 Zilman, Claire. â€Å"Why Macy’s relented to an early Thanksgiving opening.† n.p. 17 Oct 2013. Web. 7 November 2013. â€Å"Black Friday Ads Leaking Earlier Than Ever Before on FatWallet.† n.p., 30 Oct 2013. Web. 13 Nov 2013. â€Å"Restaurant Chains Open Thanksgiving Day.† n.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. â€Å"10 Things You Didn’t Know About Black Friday.† n.p., 2009. Web. 10 Nov 2013.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Emily Dickinsons Faith and Daisy Miller by Henry James Essay -- Henry

American writers and poets of the 19th century created literature to criticize and detail the imperfections of society. Emily Dickinson, who retired from contact with the outside world by the age of twenty-three in favor of a life of isolation, can arguably be considered such a poet. Her untitled poem "Faith" can be interpreted as criticism of the masculine-dominated society of her time and supports themes in Henry James's work Daisy Miller: A Study, which also criticizes societal expectations and practices. The first two lines of Dickinson's poem "Faith" read: "‘Faith' is a fine invention/When Men can see-," the capitalization stressing the words "faith," "when," and "men," suggesting that men can be trusted to believe what is right only when their vision is not blinded by things such as the prejudice and societal expectations. Winterbourne, the main character in Henry James's story Daisy Miller: A Study, is a representative of common 19th century masculine-dominated society of the elite, and a product of all the accompanying prejudices. It is therefore that Winterbourne cannot help but find some fault in Miss Daisy Miller, who he meets for the first time during a visit to Vevey and who "talked to Winterbourne as if she had known him a long time. He found it quite pleasant" (330). Before society forces him to find fault with Daisy, his instincts allow him to take pleasure in her company and to see her for who she truly is, simply "a person much disposed towards conversation" (329). However, it is not long before Winterbourne feels a need to place her within the rigid expectations proper to her class and gender. He begins to find her disposition towards conversation and acknowledgment to having a great deal of gentlemen's... ...some Italian" (363) for Winterbourne to recognize his mistake. Like looking through a microscope, the clues of Daisy's innocence are finally brought to light, into focus, and are undeniably evident. Faith failed Mr. Winterbourne, as he was unable to see past what society expected him to see, and it was only through hard facts and evidence-the testimony of the dying girl and the Italian man with whom she spent most of her time-that Mr. Winterbourne could finally accept Daisy as she was, truly a girl disposed to conversation and nothing else. He tells his aunt that Daisy "sent me a message before her death which I didn't understand at the time. But I have understood it since. She would have appreciated one's esteem" (364), meaning that Daisy would have liked to be thought of kindly and not labeled as someone or something she was not, and never gave evidence to being.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Teachers and Technology Essays -- Education, Technology in the Classro

Nature of the Study Teachers' overall attitudes towards technology play a vital role in adopting a set method in determining how to instruct with wireless laptops (Kervin & Mantei, 2010). Alternatively, the way teachers perceive technology will hypothesize a key determinant of the nature of this quantitative, pre-experimental study. In this study, the reason why teachers do not routinely and effectively use available technology such as wireless laptops in K–12 classrooms will be examined. To take full advantage of technology, while reducing possible drawbacks, requires matching the technology with the learning objectives (Lee, 2010). The researcher will use a pre-experimental, quantitative study, which has a cross-sectional web-based, five point Likert-scale survey entitled the Technology Attitude Scale (TAS). The TAS will be administered to collect data during the course of this study. Subsequently, the TAS questionnaire is an adapted version of Swan and Dixon’s (2006) model. The results of the TAS will be analyzed using an experimental and non experimental sample to establish teachers’ attitudes about wireless technology in the instructional practice. The survey provides and shows the reliability of .92 and showed a proven validity tested through statistical analysis. Swan and Dixon (2006) used the TAS to examine any correlation between teachers’ attitudes towards technology and the use of such technology in their study. In this study, a convenience sample instead of a random sample of teachers in a rural southeast Georgia school district will be used because teachers are both accessible and willing to participate. Accessibility and willingness to participate are characteristics of a convenience sample (Lee... ...itudes, societal impact, specific negative cognitions or self-critical personal dialogues during actual computer usage or when considering future computer use (Ursavas & Karal, 2009). Theory-Driven: a massive conventional teaching approaches for the incorporation of traditional teaching and learning approaches (Stewart et al., 2009). Wireless computing: devices that use electromagnetic waves rather than land-based wires to carry a communication signal; examples are laptops, clickers, cell phones, iPods, and other such mobile devices, including printers and desktop that operate through wireless signals (Skevakis, 2010, rather than hardware technology. Wireless technology: output tools such as laptops, clickers, cell phones, iPods, and other such mobile devices, including printers and desktop that operate through wireless forms (Skevakis, 2010).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Consumers’ Perception of Quality Essay

This study primarily investigates the underlying factors that help to form consumer perception of quality toward private universities in Bangladesh. Five beliefs have been identified as salient to perceive the quality of private universities of Bangladesh. These are quality faculty members, university environment, campus facility, quality education and university image/reputation. Multi-item measures were used for data collection. Results revealed that three factors: campus facility, quality education and university image/reputation have positive and significant influence on perceived quality of private university in Bangladesh. Quality faculty members and university environment do not have significant influence on perceived quality of private university in Bangladesh. INTRODUCTION: Higher education in the university level has been imparted through two major types of institutions, namely: public university and private university. The concept of private university in Bangladesh is not a very ancient one. The emergence of private university in Bangladesh began with the enactment of a series of laws governing higher education in 1992. To fulfill the ever-growing demand of institutions of higher studies, at present there are 85 universities in Bangladesh where only 29 of those are public universities and remaining 56 are private (University Grants Commission Website). Establishment of private universities released the pressure of large-scale admission seekers for the limited number of seats available in public universities. The Private University Act 1992 mentions that the main objectives of private universities are to meet the growing demand of higher education and to create skilled manpower for the economic development of the country. The present study analyzes the perceived quality of private universities in Bangladesh focusing on some salient beliefs like quality faculty members, university environment, campus facility, quality education, image/reputation. Private universities in Bangladesh, no doubt, have contributed to responding to the social demand for higher education by absorbing a good number of students who otherwise could not have received university degree. The private universities are attracting a large number of students, while it seems that the reputation and teaching-learning process of the public universities are secularly on the decline, despite the fact that their worldwide reputation is higher than some of the private universities. The state has to form some sort of â€Å"accreditation council† and those private universities that satisfy certain critical minimum requirements of inputs, processes, and outputs will be given accreditation by the proposed council. RELATED CONSTRUCTS OF THIS STUDY: Faculty Members: Faculty members are one of the most important and crucial factors for any private universities. In order to evaluate perceived quality the key factor to be considered is the quality of the faculties as it has a significant influence on the perceived quality of private universities. Also to provide quality education the faculty members are also chosen from a pool of excellent academic background with national and foreign degrees. For ensuring the sound academic environment, now private universities are emphasizing research work of the faculty members. University Environment: The university environment is another factor for choosing university and perceiving the quality of a particular university. Therefore it is important that the university must have a congenial environment that will ensure friendly student-teacher relationship, politics free and no session jam or delay in achieving graduation, well organized authority, zero discrimination and good and healthy premis es. Campus Facility: The campus facility of any private university must have the basic facilities as well as some value added facilities as the students of private universities are paying some premium price in getting the education here. Quality Education: The students who get enrolled in private universities must have a minimum educational background to qualify for the admission test and finally enrolled in the university. The curriculum is designed to meet the international standard as well as the students should be able to take part in any competitive examination with full confidence as compared to those of public universities. The student-teacher ratio and the grading policy also have an impact on the quality education. Image / Reputation: The image or reputation of the university has an impact in the job market. The private universities like North South University, East West University, BRAC University, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), American International University, Bangladesh (AIUB) have been able to create an acceptance to the students and guardian community by their image and reputation. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The objective of this study therefore is to identify, analyze, and explore how the students perceive quality of the private universities and what are the extrinsic factors (faculty strength, university environment, campus facility, brand image, and quality of education) influencing perception of quality to the students and guardians. Each of these extrinsic cues has positive or negative impact on the students’ evaluation of private universities in Bangladesh. Having identified all the cues we need to find out which cue/s has/have more influence on the students while evaluating the perceived quality of a particular private university. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE: Given the importance of the topic, it is not surprising that a great deal has been written about quality. Consistency limitation preclude a comprehensive review (Castleberry 1985), only the literature that is relevant to the objectives of this exploratory study will be discussed here. Unlike the approach taken in this paper, many authors have offered definitions of quality. For example, Crosby (1979) defined it as â€Å"conformance to requirements,† while Kotler (2006) defined it as â€Å"the rated ability of the brand to perform its functions.† Others have highlighted aesthetic considerations. Thus, Bohr (1980) notes that quality â€Å"†¦also means aesthetic and sensuous pleasure as well†¦it is timeless style, simple elegance and a sensation that makes people feel comfortable and satisfied to be near it.† Garvin (1984), however, concedes that the definition of quality â€Å"remains a source of confusion.† He states that quality often is equated with conformance to tight manufacturing standards but that there are many other dimensions of quality as well, to wit: performance, durability, reliability, serviceability, the â€Å"bells and whistles,† and aesthetic elements. In a similar view, Gronroos (1984) acknowledges the need to define quality of services in terms of consumer perceptions and suggests that service quality may be a function of a number of variables, i.e., consumer expectations, technical and functional characteristics, and image. After classifying definitions of quality that have appeared in marketing and other disciplines, Holbrook and Corfman (1985) developed a definition of quality within the framework of value theory, specifically: quality is the â€Å"extrinsic, self-oriented, passive value.† An empirical test of their conceptual definition was only marginally successful and the authors concluded that they had provided only a partial answer to the quest ion of the meaning of quality. Years ago Wittgenstein (1953) stated that to understand quality from the consumer’s standpoint, one must be concerned with the everyday use of the word. However, as evidenced by examples from the literature, researchers generally have not adopted this approach. Moreover, no study was found which explored the extent to which consumers’ definitions of quality depend upon the product or service being considered. Another line of inquiry in the current study is whether consumers evaluate quality before and/or after purchasing a product or service ant, if so, how. Economists, who probably have contributed most to this topic, are divided into two groups. Wilde (1981) represents those who feel quality is a search attribute (i.e., quality perceptions are formed before purchase). Others (e.g., Hey and McKenna 1981), however, feel that perceptions of quality are formed only after purchase and hence quality is an experience attribute. Of the many issues relating to quality, consumer researchers seem to be most interested in how consumers evaluate quality. Most work has explored the effects of various cues and cue combinations on perceptions and evaluation of quality (Olson 1972, Olson 1977, and Monroe and Krishnan 1985). Recently, Gronroos (1984) and Parasuramen, et al. (1984) have developed conceptual motels of service quality and have identified possible determinants of perceived service quality. The fact that these are service quality motels suggests that the evaluation, as well as the definition, of quality is likely to be context-bound. Gronroos, however, has only tested his model with a sample of service business executives, and the Parasuramen, et al. motel is now being tested empirically. Therefore, considerable work must be done before a better understanding of the meaning and role of quality from the consumer’s perspective is achieved. ATTITUDE TOWARDS PRIVATE UNIVERSITY: As a purpose of the study, we examine the information integration process by which consumers form Attitudes toward Private University (APU). As per cognitive process of consumer decision- making, consumers combine some of their knowledge, meanings, and beliefs for choosing private university to form an overall evaluation. These considered beliefs might be formed by interpretation processes or activated from memory. All Beliefs about Private University: The pretest is conducted to identify the salient beliefs towards private university. Convenience sample of 26 students from North South University and East West University have been provided a survey question asking the attributes they consider to perceive the quality of private university.

Genetically Modified Foods †Friend or Foe Essay

In 1998 the first genetically modified (GM) food was approved for public consumption. Since then GM foods have become part of the world’s food supply and are produced in several countries. While horror stories in the 90s promised dire consequences for introducing GM foods to the populace most of those problems have failed to arise as promised. Some scientists say that GM foods are completely safe and the proof might be that we are all still here to debate the point. GM foods are not labeled in the United States and chances are that most Americans have already eaten GM foods. Still, how much is known about the GM foods that Americans are unknowingly feeding to their families? Is managing to survive the experiment the only yardstick we should use to measure risk? Genetically modified foods might be dangerous and more testing is desperately needed to avoid health hazards. While the FDA and their scientists say that GM foods are safe, the U. S. government is already aware that there have been problems with GM foods. Even before genetic modification became the industry it is today there were problems linked with hormonally enhanced foods. Small changes in our food supply can cause large results. Of course, the problems are just a small percentage of the whole. In 1998 Harvard Medical School released a study (as cited by Larsen, 1998, Â ¶ 1) showing evidence that a product known as Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST) increased the chances of humans developing cancer. Bovine Somatotropin is a hormone produced by cattle which is also known as Bovine Growth Hormone. The Recombinant status means it was synthetically produced using recombinant DNA technology. The synthetic chemical is injected into cows to stimulate milk production. Milk cows in the United States and England were once treated with this chemical but England banned its use after the link between rBST and cancer was shown (Larsen, 1998). The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) says that the chemical is safe and not only approves of its use but does not allow labeling of the products that come from the cows that are injected with rBST (Epstein, 1996; FDA Consumer, 1999). Of secondary concern when dealing with rBST injected cattle is the worry of infection. The more milk a cow produces the more likely it becomes that she will suffer from udder inflammation. This inflammation is regularly treated with antibiotics to which the cows are developing a resistance to over time. Not only can this resistance be passed along to the humans who drink the milk but humans can also have allergic reactions to the antibiotic traces left in the milk (Epstein, 1996). In 1989 approximately 5000 individuals became suddenly ill. This illness was later traced back to a health food supplement that had been created using GM enhanced bacteria. Of those 5000 people, 37 later died and 1500 were permanently disabled. The toxin which caused the problem was present in only 0. 01% of the product. One percent is below the level that would have caused concern or a halt of production. In 1996 a company created a B2 vitamin to be sold with GM bacteria and the FDA approved it as long as any contaminants were not found at greater than 0. 01%. With that standard in place the 1989 toxin problem would not be detected even if it happened today (Antoniou, 1996, Â ¶ 5-6). While the FDA does set the standards there is very little actual oversight of the biotech companies. As of 1992 (as cited by Whitman, 2000) the FDA policy is that biotech companies may voluntarily ask for a consultation with the FDA. The consultation is not compulsory and even if used the company does not have to follow the FDA recommendations. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has the power to quarantine crops that are a danger but the biotech companies do not require a permit from the USDA as long as their product meets a short set of standards created to ensure the safety of the crop itself. To put it simply, the FDA is responsible for food safety and the USDA is responsible for plant and crop safety (Whitman, 2000, Â ¶ 32-35). The FDA sets the requirements that GM foods must meet to be declared safe. The main requirement for safety is that the modified food being judged is substantially equivalent to the original non-modified food (Physicians and Scientists for the Responsible Application of Science and Technology [PSRAST], 2006). For example, if a biomed modified potato is found to still be substantially equivalent to a regular potato then no further testing is needed. The theory is that being substantially equivalent gives them the same level of safety. For a food to be judged substantially equivalent it must be similar on several points, which are chosen by the manufacturers themselves. There must be no overt difference between the GM food and the non-GM food in regard to taste, appearance, and several points selected by the manufacturer in the areas of chemical composition and nutritional composition. The only other test required is to do an analysis looking for allergen markers. If the computers find no reason to believe that the product can cause allergies then the product is approved. Human testing is never required (PSRAST, 2006, Â ¶ 20-25). If genetically altering foods is an inherently safe procedure then the above tests are a perfectly logical way to test GM foods. If the foods are as unsafe as some claim then it is a dangerous policy for the biotech companies and the U. S. government to decide upon. In 1994 the FDA stated that modified foods were as safe as their non-modified counterparts and policy decisions have been based on that statement. The government believes so strongly in the safety of GM foods that they do not require labeling of any kind to differentiate GM foods from non-modified food sources (Whitman, 2000, Â ¶ 38-43). Since there is no way to differentiate GM from non-GM products there is no way for Americans to know if they are eating GM foods. In 2003 six countries produced 99% of the transgenic crops, also known as GM crops, sold in the world. Of these six countries the United States sold, by far, the largest percentage of these crops (James, 2003). The chart below lists the acreage of these crops by millions. Figure 1 Obviously, not all is doom and gloom when looking at the above figures. Although biotechnology can do harm it can also help the world, maybe. According to Raney, Pingali, T. R, & R. R. in 2007 a new variety of rice named Golden Rice was modified to produce beta-carotene. The rice was developed specifically to help the starving and poor in third world countries who become ill from vitamin A deficiencies (p. 108). Three servings of Golden Rice a day will provide an adult with 10% of their daily requirement of Vitamin A. While this does not seem earth shattering it shows a company attempting to use biotech to help others. Of course, even assuming the FDA is right and the problems caused by GM foods are an aberration there is the USDA’s bailiwick to ponder. Are the crops safe for the biosphere itself? That is a difficult question to answer, as well. Just like the food safety issue there are people on both sides of this argument who are convinced that they are right. On one side are the scientists who fully believe that the creation of GM foods cannot harm the biosphere and on the other are the scientists who believe that cross pollination will cause problems. According to the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University (2004) a list of recommended separation distances for GM crops was released by the USDA. According to the USDA if the separation distance is maintained and divider crops are planted then the risk for migration or cross pollination is minimal. Divider plants are tall plants that will block the flow of pollen from wind caused migration. With these precautions in place biosphere damage is supposed to be minimal. A photo taken by Percy Schmeiser and provided by The Nature Institute in 1994 shows that even if the worry of cross pollination or plant migration is overblown it is not an unproven phenomena. The field in the picture was planted with wheat in 1999. In the year 2000 they allowed it to lie fallow, in layman’s terms they did not plant anything so to regenerate the soil. They sprayed the soil twice with a weed killer known as Round Up but somehow an herbicide resistant strain of canola plants migrated into the field. The bushes in the below picture are all a GM crop that was never planted by the farmer. No one is sure how it appeared in the field (Holdrege, 2004, Â ¶ 11). Figure 2 Even discounting the possibility of seed migration via accident or wind there is always the chance of cross pollination. With cross pollination one plant can pollinate or breed another plant via insect help or wind that it was not scheduled to pollinate. In this way a plant type that was supposed to be non-GM can be infected with GM genes without the farmer or company being aware of the problem. This has happened before to rice crops that were sold to Europe from the U. S. and caused the temporary halt of rice exports to certain companies in Europe. The rice in question was not approved for human consumption and no one is sure how it appeared either in the field or the food supply (Vogel, 2006). Besides cross pollination and migration one other crop issue needs to be addressed. Monsanto has produced crop plants that either target the RNA in insects to kill off their larvae, are tolerant of herbicides like Round Up to kill off weeds, or produce pesticides of their own to kill predatory insects (Whitman, 2000, Â ¶ 4-5; Webb, 2007). While these functions are beneficial to farmers in that they save money and protect the crops, there are some concerns with these changes. There is always the possibility of cross breeding or cross contamination affecting a species for which these changes were not intended. There is also the chance that the insect killing modifications will kill off non-pest insects like butterflies. Lastly, there is a chance that plants that produce pesticides will be toxic to the humans or animals that ingest it (Whitman, 2000, Â ¶ 18-22). While opinions still vary on GM food safety, what becomes obvious is that there are more questions than answers. More testing and more rigorous safety and control laws are needed to protect the populace from unmeant harm. While GM foods can be a boon to the world they can just as easily become a curse. Disease, poisonings, and even dangers to the biosphere itself are just some of the risks we currently run. The best way to safeguard our future is to demand that congress takes our safety seriously. References Antoniou, M. (1996). Is GM food devoid of DNA safe. Retrieved January 21, 2008, from http://www. purefood. org/ge/noDNA. htm Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University. (2004). Concerns about current farming practices. Retrieved January 28, 2008, from http://cls. casa. colostate. edu/TransgenicCrops/croptocrop. html Epstein, Samuel S. (1996). Unlabeled milk from cows treated with biosynthetic growth hormones: a case of regulatory abdication. International Journal of Health Services, 26(1), 173-185. Holdrege, C. (2004). The trouble with genetically modified crops. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from http://www.natureinstitute. org/pub/ic/ic11/gmcrops. htm James, C. (2003). Preview: Global status of commercialized transgenic crops: 2003. Ithica,NY: International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications [ISAAA]. Larsen, H. (1998). Milk and the cancer connection. Retrieved December 27, 2007, from http://www. vvv. com/healthnews/milk. html Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology [PSRAST]. (2006). Inadequate safety assessment of GE foods. Retrieved January 18, 2008, from http://www. psrast. org/subeqow. htm Raney, T. , Pingali, P. , T. R. , & P. P. (2007, September). Sowing a gene revolution. Scientific American, 297(3), 104-111. Retrieved December 7, 2007, from EBSCOhost database. Safety of rbST Milk Affirmed. (1999, May). FDA Consumer, 33(3), 4. Retrieved January 23, 2008, from EBSCOhost database. Vogel, G. (2006, September). Tracing the transatlantic spread of GM rice. Science, 313(5794), 1714. Webb, S. (2007, November 10). Silencing pests. Science News, 172(19), 292. Retrieved December 7, 2007, from EBSCOhost database. Whitman, B. (2000). Genetically modified foods: harmful or helpful. Retrieved January 23, 2008, from http://www. csa. com/discoveryguides/gmfood/overview. php.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Elementary school Essay

1. 1 Age 1. 2 Gender 1. 3 Family income 2. What are the effects computer online games on the study habits of selected grade VI pupils at San Gabriel Elementary School? 3. Is there any significant difference on the effects of computer online games to the respondents’’ study habits in terms of their profile? HYPOTHESIS This study tested the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference on the perception of the respondent between the effects of computer online games and the study habit of grade VI pupils of San Gabriel Elementary school. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY. This research is important to the Parents of the youth. For them to know what are thing that influence using online games. Also to prevent the bad influence of online games to their children, for parents to be able to protect their children from influence of online games. To the youth, they should know the effects of online games to their study habit. Children should know the limitation of using online games and set their priorities. To the teacher, the second parents of the youth. This research is important to guide them to handle this kind of situation and to know how to assess their pupils. Future researchers can make use the results of this study as a basis for them to conduct similar studies of the effect of the computer online games on the study habits. SCOPE AND DELIMINATION OF THE STUDY This study was conducted at San Gabriel Elementary school to find out the effects of the study habits games on academic performance at selected grade VI pupils for the second semester year 2013-2014. The study made use of descriptive correlation method utilizing the questionnaire checklist to gathered data on the respondents. The respondent of this study were (100) selected grade VI pupils of San Gabriel Elementary school. This study focused only on the perceptions of the respondent who were being engaged in computer online games. DEFINITION OF TERMS Age is the length of time during which a being or thing has existed; length of life or existence to the time spoken of or referred to: Computer an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Effects a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause: Elementary Education is used for schools where children from the age of about five receive primary education in some countries. Euphoric characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness Games this is the way of entertaining oneself; Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. Pupils a student in school Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. Selected carefully choose as being the best or most suitable Study habits are defined as the regular tendencies and practices that one depicts during the process of gaining information through learning. Your study habits play a big role in determining your success in the learning process. Survey a method for collecting quantitative information about items in a population. COLLEGE OF ST. CATHERINE QUEZON CITY 362 Quirino Highway, Sangandaan Quezon, City 1116* Tel. No: 330-4883/330-3620 CHAPTER 2q REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents review of related literature and studies that were utilized to strengthen the conceptual background of the study including those conducted in the Philippines and abroad. QUESTIONNAIRE DIRECTION: Please fill in the needed information below. Check the ( ) the corresponds to year answer. Name: ________________________________________ Age : ________ sex: ( ) male ( ) female 1. How much your penetration (â€Å"baon†) 10-25 Pesos ( )30-40 Pesos ( )50-100 Pesos ( ) 2. How much your budget to play online games. 10-25 Pesos ( )30-40 Pesos ( )50-100 Pesos ( ) 3. how much you spend time using online games. 1-2 hrs ( )2-3 hrs ( )4-5 ( ) 4. What type of games you like to play the most? ( ) action game ( ) adventure game ( ) racing game ( ) counter strike ( ) DOTA ( ) puzzle and soduko QUESTIONS YES NO 1. Do you love playing computer games? 2. Do you think playing computer games is easily addicted? 3. Do you think addicted to computer games will change your personality? 4. Do you think addicted to computer games brings negative impacts to our daily life? 5. Do you think obsessed on playing computer games will affect your academic results? 6. Do you think we can achieve a balance between playing computer games and studying? 7. Do you think addicted to computer games will affect the relationship with your family members? 8. Do you think discussing computer games always be the topic between you and your friend? 9. Do you think discussing computer games will enhance the relationship between you and your friends? 10. Do you think computer games addiction is a serious problem?